6 Months of Korean
June 30, 2021 1 CommentI started a new language learning journey in January 2021. At the time of writing we are now at the end of June. It felt like it was a good time to look back over what’s been happening. After all it’s been 6 months of Korean!

Has it really been 6 months?
I had a pause in my studies in February and March for about six weeks or so. In fact I wrote about the topic of giving up on language learning at that time too. That break definitely impacted on my studies and the time spent actually learning the language. So it’s not really been a solid 6 months of Korean.
Best laid plans
I started my studies with great intentions. In fact they intentions were so good that they were unrealistically optimistic. Getting through a level of Talk To Me in Korean was not a goal I could stick to. It was simply too fast-paced for my other commitments in life. I would also argue that it’s not realistic for most situations.
My saving grace in my Korean language learning was finding a wonderful study group on Clubhouse! Without those study group sessions I have little doubt that things would have gone very differently for me.
Joining a course
I was lucky enough to find a course for Korean online and joined that too. We are a small group of learners. They started in September 2020 and I joined in their third semester. The level is just right for me and the pace is perfect too.
Having these groups means I can grow in my Korean at a reasonable rate without rushing and without any stress. I am also going to Korean study groups and lessons because I like the people.
Languages becoming part of your life
The secret to consistent and longevity in language learning is finding a way to get the language inserted into your routine. It needs to be part of your normal life, so it’s something you just keep going back to, like meals, work, exercise or whatever it is that you love going back to again and again.
Korean is here to stay
I started this thinking about the 6 months of Korean already gone. Now I am thinking about the 6 months of Korean yet to come and beyond! Onwards and upwards with Korean. Slowly but surely will win this race!
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This post was written by Richard
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